SWJ Club is a 501c3 non profit organization. Like most nonprofit organizations, we rely on donations to accomplish community outreach initiates. All donations are 100% tax deductible.
EIN: 85-3358977
How do I donate?
We're so glad you asked! Here are several of ways to help us help others:
1. Link Your Amazon Account
That's right! You can literally shop 'til you drop on Amazon Smile and Amazon will donate .5% percentage of your purchase to us. Here's how it works:
Choose SWJ Club as your charity
2. Employer Matching Contribution
3. CashApp - $SistasWithJeeps
4. Checks can be mailed to
SWJ Club
8190 Barker Cypress Road
Suite 1900 Box 1044
Cypress, TX 77433 ​
Any and all contributions are greatly appreciated and we're thanking you in advance for your generosity.